
Friday, July 16, 2010

My first attempt at 5 Question Friday

Do you collect anything?
Let's see, besides clutter, I guess you could say I collect Wizard of Oz and Gone with the wind movie paraphernalia

2. Name 3 celebrities that you find good looking.

Only 3?! I guess my top 3 would have to be 
1.  Robert Pattinson

2. Johnny Depp

and...3. Chris Martin (from Coldplay)

yes, I know, very eclectic mix of celebrities but, what can I say, I'm a pretty eclectic person myself ;)

3. Do you have any scars? If so, what's the story behind it (them?)?

 Well, I am the type of person who trips going UP stairs so, yeah, I have some scars. I have one on the top of my foot where I dropped a piece of pottery when i was younger and a sliver of the pot got stuck there, I have my c-section scar of course, and I have a place on my knee from where I tripped going up the stairs at a friends house just recently, and I'm pretty sure that's going to be a scar.

4. What is a food that you like to eat, but others might think it's gross or weird? 

I mix my mashed potatoes with ketchup and green peas, HEY! Don't knock it till you try it! It's delicious ;)

5. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life?

No, luckily I have not.

1 comment:

  1. Coming by from 5QF.
    I totally forgot about my c-section scar. How does one forget that?
    Great answers!
