
Friday, July 23, 2010


1. What were your school colors?

Red white and Black, Let's GO VIKINGS Let's GO WOO WOO! 

2. What's the best compliment you ever received?

 That I'm doing a great job as a mom (because sometimes I don't feel like I'm doing so well, so to hear someone else say that, it makes me think there's hope for me yet ;))

3. Do you buy cheap or expensive toilet paper?

  Cheap! I'm all about some labels but, not when it comes to household items 

4. Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? Or have you had one for someone else?

Yes, I had a surprise baby shower thrown for me right before my second son was born. FYI, surprises are NOT one of my favorite things

5. What is one material possession that you "can't live without"?

 I would have to say, my CHI flat Iron. I'm OCD when it comes to my hair, and I've often wondered how I even survived before I bought my CHI ;)

Well there ya have it! I like these Five question fridays! Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Well, it seems that I've been doing a lot of diaper cakes lately, which is nice but, it would be even better if I was making a profit. Of course I know that I'm at least getting my name out there which is good. Hopefully soon, the orders will just start rolling in =). I've also opened my own Etsy store online, there is a link in the top right hand corner of this blog. If you haven't checked it out, you should!
  I'm not in much of a "blogging" mood at the moment, I think I should be in a "cleaning" mood actually but, I think I'm blogging as a way to put off the cleaning, he he. Anyway, I'm posting a picture of my latest "creation", I personally think it's the best yet!

Hope everyone is having a GREAT week so far!! 

Friday, July 16, 2010

My first attempt at 5 Question Friday

Do you collect anything?
Let's see, besides clutter, I guess you could say I collect Wizard of Oz and Gone with the wind movie paraphernalia

2. Name 3 celebrities that you find good looking.

Only 3?! I guess my top 3 would have to be 
1.  Robert Pattinson

2. Johnny Depp

and...3. Chris Martin (from Coldplay)

yes, I know, very eclectic mix of celebrities but, what can I say, I'm a pretty eclectic person myself ;)

3. Do you have any scars? If so, what's the story behind it (them?)?

 Well, I am the type of person who trips going UP stairs so, yeah, I have some scars. I have one on the top of my foot where I dropped a piece of pottery when i was younger and a sliver of the pot got stuck there, I have my c-section scar of course, and I have a place on my knee from where I tripped going up the stairs at a friends house just recently, and I'm pretty sure that's going to be a scar.

4. What is a food that you like to eat, but others might think it's gross or weird? 

I mix my mashed potatoes with ketchup and green peas, HEY! Don't knock it till you try it! It's delicious ;)

5. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life?

No, luckily I have not.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can I mix it up a little for ya?

 Well, I NEVER would have thought that this whole blog thing could be sooo complicated! There are SO many widgets, and templates, and blinkies, and badges, and other gadgets that are all foreign to my vocabulary.
  I thought I was starting this blog just to advertise my business Luca Bella, but, now that I've been wandering around reading other blogs, I think I can mix it up a little and advertise as well as blog about my life as a mom. I mean, who doesn't like to talk about themselves? I for one will take any chance I get ;) Just kiddin'......kinda
  It's not that my life is all that interesting or extraordinary, but, it is a little different than the typical "family life" that most people experience.  For instance, most young mothers aren't trying to raise their children under the same roof as their parents. Well, actually, I think that is fairly common in some cultures, and probably more common in our culture than I'm aware of but, as a little girl I don't remember it ever being a dream of mine to be 26 years old, a mother of two, separated, and still living at home with mom and dad.  It has however been a dream of mine, for as long as I can remember, to have my own business where I could make my own hours, as well as be crafty in the process. Although I don't know that Luca Bella will ever take off, and I know it will never make tons of money, at least I'm trying and actually having fun in the process. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Who we are and what we do

Luca Bella Custom Creations, offers stylish, quality diaper cakes at affordable prices. We design custom diaper cakes that fit the unique taste of each customer. We also offer pre made diaper cakes. Contact us today and let us design a diaper cake for your next baby shower or as a gift for that special mother to be in your life. 